- License in
- License out
- Deals
- Screening
- Innovation
- Early stages
Biotechgate- by Venture Valuation
Biotechgate is an innovative drug /device database developed by Venture Valuation in Switzerland. Currently the database is already being well recognized in healthcare industry around the world. The database covers more than 50,000 pharma, medtech and biotech companies, over 72,000 innovative products. It also contains ~ 20,000 active licensing opportunities with detailed product information and BD contact information and more than 2,000 detailed deals information. Biotechgate has entered China market with Lingmed as its exclusive partner in 2013
- The database covers over 50,000 Biotech/device companies
- Over 72,000 innovative products of various therapeutic areas and all stages
- ~ 20,000 active licensing opportunities with detailed product information and key business contact information
- Daily alerts to monitor your key company and product development and licensing status
- Primary market research information on company licensing intention
- The database is very strong for capturing global private biotech companies' innovative assets active for out-licensing to other markets
- Lingmed offers value added services in addition to support China market analysis and entry strategies